Bangladesh Technical Education Board is announcing the BTEB Admission Result 2024-2025. BTEB Result 2024 Released for 4 Years Diploma in Engineering Course. Also, the result of the 2-year trade course has been published. Applicants can check their results through the BTEB Admission System website btebadmission gov bd. Also, the selected students will be informed about the result through SMS.
Diploma Admission Result 2024
Diploma admission result 2024 has been released for various government and private 4 years diploma courses. These include Diploma in Engineering Admission Result, Diploma in Marine Engineering Admission Result, Diploma in Textile Engineering Admission Result, Diploma in Agriculture Admission Result, Diploma in Forestry Admission Result, and Diploma in Livestock Admission Result. The diploma admission results of government and private institutions have been published simultaneously.
Along with the Diploma Result 2024, the HSC Vocational and HSC-BMT (Business Management and Technology) admission results of public and private institutions have also been released. BTEB Admission Result 2024 will be known in the same process.
BTEB Admission Result 2024
The BTEB admission process will be done through two merit lists and one migration result. Two merit lists will be published for all diploma and trade courses. BTEB Admission 1st Merit List 2024 was released on 1 July 2024. Then, the BTEB Admission Result 2nd Merit List 2024 was released on 15 July 2024. 1st migration result will be released at the same time. BTEB Admission Migration Result will be published on 15 July 2024. The selected students have to confirm their admission after the release of the results at each phase. Admission confirmation has to be done only once. The BTEB Admission 2024 process will be completed in the academic year 2024-2025 as per the schedule given below.
Event Name | Date |
1st Merit List | 1 July 2024 |
1st merit List Confirmation | 1-5 July 2024 |
2nd Merit List | 15 July 2024 |
2nd Merit List Confirmation | 15-18 July 2024 |
1st Migration Result | 15 July 2024 |
3rd Merit List | |
2nd Migration Result | |
4th Merit List | |
3rd Migration Result | |
Final Admission | 22-27 August 2024 |
BTEB Admission Merit List 2024
A total of two BTEB merit lists will be released. Admission test will not be taken for this. This merit list has been published on the basis of SSC and equivalent results of the applicant. In this case the GPA obtained by the student along with the letter grade obtained in General Mathematics or Higher Mathematics is considered. Technical Quota, Female Quota, Freedom Fighters Quota and other quota systems are followed in preparation of merit list.
BTEB Admission Result 1st Merit List 2024
BTEB Admission Result 1st Merit List 2024 has been published for the students who applied in the first phase. BTEB Admission 1st Merit List Released Today, 1 July 2024, 7 PM. Students in the first merit list should confirm their admission between 1-5 July 2024.
BTEB Admission Result 2nd Merit List 2024
BTEB Admission Result 2nd Merit List 2024 Released for Second Phase Applicants. Also those applicants who are not placed in the 1st Merit List are also considered in the 2nd Merit List. BTEB Admission 2nd Merit List Released Today 15 July 2024. This is the latest merit list as per notice of the Bangladesh Directorate of Technical Education. However, subject to vacant seats, applications may be accepted in the 3rd phase and the 3rd merit list may be published.
Students in the BTEB 2nd merit list should confirm admission between 15 July and 18 July 2024.
How to know the BTEB Result 2024?
BTEB Result 2024 will be known through the official website of the BTEB Admission System. For this the applicant has to login to the website. Besides, the authority will inform all the students who are placed in the merit list through SMS. You can follow the below steps to check BTEB Admission Result 2024 online.
- Step-1: Visit the website.
- Step-2: Enter View Result/Login option.
- Step-3: Provide your SSC/Equivalent Exam details.
- Step-4: Click on the Login/Submit button.
- Step-5: View the results from the dashboard.
Note that if selected for admission, the student has to confirm the admission as per the instructions. If the admission is not confirmed within the prescribed period, the nomination will be cancelled. Also, if the student does not want the migration, he/she has to login and stop the migration. Otherwise automatic migration will continue.
BTEB Admission Migration Result 2024
The BTEB admission migration is an automated process. Students can opt-out of automatic migration after admission confirmation. The migration is automatically managed based on the preferences provided by the students who have enabled the migration. Migration followed an upward policy. That is, attempts are made upwards according to the order of preference given by the student. Only those students who have secured admission in the 1st merit list are considered for migration. Students who turn off automatic migration are not included in the migration process. BTEB Migration Result will be published on 19 September 2023. It is published along with the second merit list. If a student’s nomination changes through migration, he/she does not need to reconfirm.
BTEB Admission Confirmation
All the students selected for admission in the first and second merit lists have to confirm the admission. If the admission is not confirmed within the prescribed period, the nomination of the student will be canceled. In that case, he/she has to apply in the next step. Confirmation of admission from the 1st merit list should be done between 1-5 July 2024.
Students who are selected for admission in the second merit list should confirm their admission between 15 to 18 July 2024. After that, the final admission process will start.
BTEB Admission 2024-25
Admission to the Government Polytechnic Institute, Institute of Marine Technology, Textile Institute, Vocational Institutions, and other institutions will be done based on a published merit list. BTEB admission will start on 22 August 2024. The last date of admission is 27 August 2024. The student has to attend and complete the admission in the designated educational institution. All information related to admission can be found on the BTEB Admission System website btebadmission gov bd.
৩য় পর্যায়ের আবেদনের ভর্তির তারিখ কবে একটু বলবেন প্লিজ
৩য় পর্যায়ের আবেদনের ভর্তির তারিখ কবে একটু বলবেন প্লিজ
আমার আবেদন এর সিকিউরেটি র্কোড টা হারিয়ে ফেলিছি । এখন কী করবো একটু বলবেন
আমি বাহির করে দিতে পারবো।
অষ্টম পর্যায়ের রেজাল্ট প্রকাশের পর কি আর রেজাল্ট প্রকাশিত হবে?
Ami amar result dhakta chi
Waiting কত দিন থাকবে এটার কি নিদিষ্ট সময় নাই
Apni ke waiting ar result paisan.plz boln ????????.ami pai ni
2nd পর্যায়ের result ki দিছে নাকি কেউ বলবেন
Apni ke waiting ar result paisan.plz boln ????????.ami pai ni
Vai aita kato tarika publist kora hoisa
ভর্তি শুরু হবে কবে থেকে,,,
এবং মেকানিক্যালে ভর্তি হতে বই সহ মোট কত টাকা লাগবে?
কত তারিখ পর্যন্ত কলেজে ভর্তি হওয়া যাবে
আমি ২০২১-২২ শিক্ষাবর্ষের শিক্ষার্থী, আমি গত বছর একাদশ শ্রেণীতে ভর্তি হই, এখন আবার এক বছর গ্যাপ দিয়ে ডিপ্লোমা ইন এগ্রিকালচার ভর্তি জন্য এপ্লাই করছি এবং আমার ডিপ্লোমা নিয়ে এগ্রিকালচারে চান্স পেয়েছি, কিন্তু আমার এসএসসির প্রশংসা পত্রের মূল কপি কলেজ কর্তৃপক্ষ জমা নিয়ে নেয়, ডিপ্লোমা ইন এগ্রিকালচারেও এসএসসি পরীক্ষার প্রশংসা পত্র জমা দিতে হবে এখন আমি কি করবো?? কেউ একটু জানাবেন প্লিজ