Dhaka Board HSC Result 2024 is out now. It was published today, on October 15, 2024. Students can get their results from the Dhaka Education Board website www.dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd. The instructions for this are available on the official website. According to the instructions, educational institutions under the Dhaka Education Board can download paperless results institution-wise from the website. No hard copy of the result will be given by the education board. Students can also get Dhaka Board HSC Result 2024 with Marksheet from the same website.
HSC Result 2024 Dhaka Board
The Dhaka Board HSC Result 2024 came out today. A good number, 79.21 percent, passed the exam. Impressively, 110,000 students achieved GPA-5. This result, along with other boards, is available now.
This year, 187,000 students took part in the Higher Secondary Certificate exam under the Dhaka Education Board. They represented various colleges affiliated with the Dhaka Education Board. Let’s look at the Dhaka Education Board HSC Exam Result 2024 Statistics.
- Total Candidates: 249846
- Pass Rate: 79.21%
- Total GPA-5: 31752
How to know Dhaka Board HSC Result 2024
To find out Dhaka Board HSC Result 2024, you can’t get a printed copy. The Dhaka Education Board doesn’t provide it. Instead, check your result online or through SMS, as instructed on the official website. You can also find the results on your college’s notice board and the examination center’s notice board. Educational institutions have instructions to download paperless results, and colleges under the Dhaka Board can get institution-wise results from the Dhaka Education Board website.
Check Dhaka Board HSC Result 2024 Online
You can use different websites to see your Dhaka Board HSC Result 2024 online. One popular option is the eboardresults.com website. You can also check it on the Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board website, www.educationboardresults.gov.bd. Follow these steps to check the Dhaka Board Result online:
- Go to the eboardresults.com website.
- Click on the link to go to the result page.
- Choose HSC/Alim/Equivalent from the Examination Options.
- Select “2024” as the Year.
- Pick “Dhaka” from the board options.
- Choose “Individual Result” from the Result Type.
- Enter your roll number.
- Complete the security check.
- Click the “Get Result” button.
Dhaka Board Result by SMS
To check Dhaka Board HSC Result 2024 through SMS, follow these steps:
- Open the messaging app on your mobile phone.
- Create a new message with the text: HSC <space> DHA <space> your roll <space> 2024. (Example: HSC DHA 123456 2024)
- Send the message to 16222.
- You’ll receive a return message with your result shortly.
Remember, standard SMS charges apply for each message. You can use this method to check the results of multiple students from the same mobile phone.
Dhaka Board HSC Result 2024 with Marksheet
After the Dhaka Board HSC Result 2024 was released, students were eager to see their marks in each subject. The Dhaka Board HSC Marksheet 2024 with numbers has been published. The marks obtained in all subjects, along with subject-wise grades, are mentioned in the marksheet. Students can download the Dhaka Board HSC Result 2024 with Marksheet from the Dhaka Education Board’s official website, www.dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd. Follow these instructions:
- Visit the eboardresults.com website [Click Here].
- Select the required option in the result section.
- Choose “Dhaka” as the board.
- Enter your HSC exam roll and registration number.
- Enter the captcha code correctly.
- Click on the Get Result button.
Note that the roll and registration numbers are needed for the detailed result and marksheet. The result can be checked with the roll number alone, but the mark sheet requires both the roll and registration numbers.

Institution wise results
As mentioned in the notice by the board, colleges under the Dhaka Education Board must download paperless results online. The institution-wise HSC result of the Dhaka Board can be obtained by downloading it with the EIIN number.
To download institution-wise results from the eboardresults.com website, follow the procedure below:
- Visit the eboardresults.com website.
- Access the result option.
- Choose the required options.
- Select “Institution Result” from the Result Type.
- Enter the EIIN number of your college.
- Complete the security check.
- Download the PDF by clicking on the Get Result button.
If the EIIN number is unknown, it can be found from the list option in EIIN.
The official website of Dhaka Board is www.dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd. The HSC Result 2024 for the Dhaka board has been published on this website and on the result website eboardresults.com. You can collect detailed results along with a marksheet from these sites. Additionally, institution-wise, center-wise, and district-wise results can be downloaded, and you can find statistics for various institutions.
For all information related to the result, visit the HSC corner on the Dhaka Education Board’s official website. There, you can find details about result collection, including re-examination notices and procedures.
Re-scrutiny Application
If you want to apply for HSC Result Re-scrutiny in Dhaka Board, follow these steps:
- Send the 1st message: RSC <space> DHA <space> Roll Number <space> Subject Code (if more than one subject, write with a comma). Example: RSC DHA 123456 101, 102. Send the message to 16222.
After the first message, you will receive a return message with your information, application fee, and a PIN.
- Send the 2nd message: RSC <space> Yes <space> PIN <space> Mobile Number. Example: RSC YES 123456 01xxxxxx. Send the message to 16222.
A confirmation message will be sent after sending the second message successfully. The review of answer sheets will be done, and the revised result will be released at the end of the application period. The Board Challenge results for the Dhaka Board will be published on the board’s website, and those with changed results will be notified through SMS.
You can do it online or through SMS if you haven’t checked your Dhaka Board HSC Result 2024 with a marksheet yet. Visit the Dhaka Education Board website, www.dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd, for more information.
i want to know how to get my result with mark sheet