The GST Admission System’s official website is They have already published the GST Admission Circular 2025 on this website. You can find the admission circular and prospectus with details about eligibility, application instructions, payment details, mark distribution, seat plan, admit card information, and admission test dates. After applying online, the GST Admit Card will be available on the gstadmission ac bd website. Seat plans for each unit’s admission test will also be published here. Once the admission test is completed, the GST Result 2025 will be available on the website.
The official website for 19 universities, including general, science, and technology, is gstadmission ac bd. The Admission Circular 2024–25 has been published, along with a detailed prospectus containing instructions for filling out the GST Admission Form 2025, GST Admit Card Download, GST Seat Plan, and GST Admission Test Result information. Let’s look at the details of the GST Admission System 2025.
The Universities Integrated Admission Test GST Result 2025 C Unit was released on May 12, 2025, after 9:00 pm. A total of 1 Lakh 57 thousand 629 candidates participated in the admission test for this unit, with 1 Lakh 66 thousand 933 applicants. Among them, 68,322 candidates have passed. The GST B Unit Merit List has been published on the gstadmission ac bd result 2025 website. This will enable students to be admitted to 19 universities under the university’s integrated admission system. Apart from the science faculty departments, students who passed the GST Business Studies group can also get admission to other departments. This year, the admission process will be centralized.
সর্বশেষ আপডেট: GST গুচ্ছভুক্ত ১৯ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের আবেদন শুরু হয়েছে ৫ মার্চ ২০২৫ তারিখ থেকে। আবেদনের শেষ তারিখ ১৫ মার্চ ২০২৫। apply
The first step for GST admission 2024-2025 is to submit the online application on the website. Applying for GST universities is now much easier than before when you had to apply separately for each university. GST Admission Form 2025 can be filled from 5 March to 15 March 2025. Here’s how to apply:
- Visit
- Log in with your Application ID and password.
- Choose your unit.
- Enter your phone number and address.
- Pay the unit’s application fee.
Payment Instruction: After making a payment of 1500 BDT, your online application will be accepted. You can use the mobile banking system to make payments.
If you have any completion, Submit it through
GST Admission Admit Card 2025
The GST Admission Admit Card 2025 for the Universities Integrated Admission Test has been released. You can download the Admit Card for the Humanities Group from March 23 to March 31. After this period, no admit card can be downloaded. The C Unit Admission Test is scheduled for April 25, 2025, and the detailed seat plan will be published before that. You can download the GST Admission Admit Card 2025 through the official admission website link at admit card 2025. Follow these steps:
- Visit website.
- Click on the Login option.
- Enter your Application ID and Password.
- Press the Login button.
- Download the Admit Card PDF.
- Print it in colour and follow the instructions.
GST Seat Plan 2025
The GST Seat Plan C Unit 2025 for the Universities Integrated Admission Test has been published in detail with Room Number and others on To check the GST Seat Plan, follow these steps:
- Visit
- Go to the Login Option.
- Log in with your credentials.
- Check the Exam Hall Information from the Dashboard.
Note: Candidates will also receive the Seat Plan information via SMS on the mobile number provided during the online application. The Seat Plan includes details such as Center Name, Venue Name, Room Number, Building Information, and more.
GST Admission Result 2025
The GST Admission Result 2025 is now on the website result 2025. This is the official website for the 19 Universities Integrated Admission Test 2024-2025. Finally, the GST Subject Choice Result 1st Merit List 2025 was published here. Students filled out the admission form on this site. Now, candidates can check their results by logging into the login option.
The B-unit admission test for 2024–25 in the Business Studies group was completed on May 2, 2025. The Guccho Result 2025 C Unit (Commerce) was released on April 25, 2025. Follow these steps to check the Guccho Admission Result 2024 B Unit:
- Visit the website.
- Go to the “Student login/Admission” option.
- Log in with your Application ID and Password.
- View detailed results from the dashboard.
Subject Choice Form
To complete the GST Subject Choice Form, go to Under the integrated admission system for 19 universities, you’ll complete the admission application on a single website. Follow these steps:
- Visit
- Click on the “Apply to Individual University” link.
- Log in with GST Application ID and GST Password.
- Choose a specific university.
- Apply to one or more of the specified units.
Note: Each university requires a separate application for each unit, and a separate fee must be paid for each application. Make sure to correctly indicate the order of preference for the applied departments, as changes won’t be allowed after the application deadline. Check the specific university’s website for subject-wise conditions and other details.
GST Subject Choice Result 2025
You can check the GST Subject Choice Result 2025 on the website. The University Integrated Admission System Authority has released the GST Admission Subject Choice Results. Applicants must confirm their admission and submit documents within the declared timeframe. Candidates must choose the Migration option on or off after completion of the primary admission. Follow these steps to find your subject choice result:
- Visit
- Go to the Login Option.
- Enter your Application ID and Password.
- Click the Login button.
- Check your result from the Dashboard.

Honours admission
আমি online আবেদন করতে গিয়ে সেলফি জটিলতায় পরছি। এখন আর এই option টা আসতেছে না। এ অবস্থায় আমার করনিয় কি?
Ami application er payment shoho complete korci kintu selfie er option Ashe na. Akhon msg a bolce selfie dauar jonno. Kintu selfie dauar shomoi server error dakhai
Bujte hobe bro ata bd server????????
আমি online আবেদন করতে গিয়ে সেলফি জটিলতায় পরছি। এখন আর এই option টা আসতেছে না। এ অবস্থায় আমার করনিয় কি?
Wait for some few days. GST Authority working with this issue.
selfie upload problem . complain box nai je complain korbo
selfie upload hoice onno akta, akhon retake naya jy na ar cancel o kora jy na ki korbo jni na
Amar selfie option ase naa,, kivabe diboo????????
selfie option doesn’t show .what do I do ?
আমার ৭.৩.২৪ মেসেজ আসে ফটো রিজেক্ট আমি সংশোধন করে ফটো দেওয়ার পর এখনো ওকে আসছে না,
Wait for a few days.
Ami amr online application korte giye selfie upload a problem face kortece amk joto taratari somvob ei problem solve kore din
selfie upload hoice onno akta, akhon retake naya jy na ar cancel o kora jy na ki korbo jni na
It can be changed after Completion the Payment.
ফেস ভেরিফিকেশন এর সমস্যা , এটার সমাধান এর উপায় কি!
Can not give selfi and not getting any selfi option. without selfi I filled up exam center option and exam question language option. How the problem will solve. There isn’t any complaint box option. How this problem will solve
Selfie option ashana
আমার দুইটা ছবি পেন্ডিং এ আছে কিন্তু এখনো রিজেক্ট হয়নি এখন উপায় কি?
আমার সেলফি এবং ফটো পেন্ডিং আছে এটা কেন হচ্ছে?
Id pass diye login hosse na kno?
আমার ছবির নিচে ok লিখা আসেনাই এখনো। এখন আমি কি করব????
Amito Kota dite parlam na akhon kota abedon korbo kivabe???
Try it now if you have any quota. If not possible right now, contact through the helpline or wait.
GST তে আবেদনে আমার তো সেলফি দেখাচ্ছে না,,আর আবেদন কমপ্লিট দেখাচ্ছে,, এখন কি করবো বুঝতে পারছি না,,প্লিজ হেল্প মি
আমার ছবির নিচে ok লিখা আসেনাই এখনো। এখন আমি কি করব???
আমি কিভাবে বুঝবো আমার আবেদন সঠিক হয়েছে?
আসসালামুয়ালাইকুম আমি আবেদন করার পর just sms আসছে applied তারপর আমি সেল্ফি ঠিক করার পর ok/pending কিছুই লেখা আসে নাই।
আমার কি আবেদন হয়েছে,?? please any help????????
Ami 19 tarik apply korechi kintu amar chobir niche kunu lekha asche na.klk abar complain boxe complaino korechi 17 ghontar upore chole kintu solve hocche na!! ki korbo ami????
Ami apply 17 tarik korsi but amr selfie rejected ashse msg a, 26 tarik porjonto form apply korar tym silo,akn ki ami ami selfie update korte parbo?
আমার ছবির নিচে ok লিখা আসেনাই এখনো। এখন আমি কি করব????
আমার selfi rejected আসছিলো।পরবর্তীতে আমি আবার Selfi photo upload করেছি।কিন্তুু আমি কিভাবে বুঝবো এটা Select হয়েছে কিনা।
আমার ছবির নিচে ok লিখা আসেনাই এখনো। এখন আমি কি করব????
আমাট selfi rejecet আসছিলো।পরবর্তীতে আমি আবার Selfi photo upload করেছি।কিন্তুু আমি কিভাবে বুঝবো এটা Select হয়েছে কিনা।
Login and check the status.
Assalamualaikum amar selfie rejected ashchilo abar submit korsi kintu akhon ota loading hocche ki korbo
Kivabe korechen abar upload
Ami question language change korte cacci. Eitar kono option thakle janaben kew, Please
Amar selfie rejected ashche abar submit korechi kintu ota loading hocche ki korar ache aktu bolun
Wait for the next update.
A unit ar Admit card Kobe dibe & set plan?
Ami 2021 e HSC complete korci …ekon ami kivabe online govt nursing admission nibo?
Main subject skip kore bangla/English dagano jabe ki??
What will be the result date??
Documents joma dite ki candidateke jete hobe Universityte?? naki shudhu guardian gele hobe??
accha HSC er main transcript joma na diye photocopy joma deya jabe?
Main copy must be submitted. However, May be there are an option to submit the main copy later. Contact the Respective University.
Sir,, r akta chance den please migration off korar,, class suru kor c, akhon r migration chai na. But off kra hoy ni,, please please please sir. I request, please migration off korar akta chance den please
আমি ভুলে College Uniform এর ছবি upload করছি, Selfie দিতে পারি নাই, এখন দেয়ার জন্য Options আসতেছে না, কী করবো? কেউ help করেন Please. আর হ্যাঁ আমি complain box এ Issue লিখছি তবে কেউ reply অথবা কোনো পদক্ষেপ এখনো নেয় নাই, তাই দয়া করে কেউ যদি সাহায্য করতেন
Wait for Response.
আমি আবেদনটি বাতিল করতে চাই সেই জন্য কী করবো।নাহলে আমার পুরো টাকাই লস।