HSC Result 2024 [লাইভ আপডেট] – Pass Rate, Official Website

Welcome to today’s live event. This event is organized to provide live updates on the HSC Result 2024. Here, you will find all the updated news regarding the HSC and equivalent examination results for 2024 in Bangladesh. You will get moment-by-moment updates here. In addition, you will also get all the necessary information, including pass rate, number of GPA-5, result viewing links and methods. Board-wise live updates will also be available here. Let’s begin. Before we start, let’s learn about the HSC and equivalent exams.

What is the HSC Result?

HSC Result is the results of the Higher Secondary Certificate examination in Bangladesh. After completing secondary education in Bangladesh, students have to study for two years at the higher secondary level. After that, they have to take the final examination, which is called the HSC exam. At the HSC equivalent level, Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board students participate in the Alim Examination, and Bangladesh Technical Education Board students participate in the HSC Vocational exam.

In 2024, about 1.45 million students from 11 education boards participated in the HSC and equivalent examinations. The boards are Dhaka, Comilla, Chittagong, Barisal, Dinajpur, Rajshahi, Jessore, Sylhet, Mymensingh, Madrasah, and the Technical Education Board.

HSC Result 2024 Live Updates

Students from various education boards are protesting, demanding the cancellation of the published HSC and equivalent exam results and the implementation of an automatic pass system.

HSC Result 2024 Released. Pass Rate 77.78 percent.

The HSC and equivalent examination results will be published today, 15th October 2024, at 11 a.m. The results of all general education boards, Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board and Bangladesh Technical Education Board, will be published simultaneously.

Total CandidatesPass RateGPA-5

The HSC and equivalent examinations of 2024 started on June 30, 2024. After a few exams were held, the remaining exams were canceled due to student protests in Bangladesh. The results of the subjects held were prepared based on the marks obtained by the students. The results of the subjects that were not held have been prepared by subject mapping based on the students’ SSC and equivalent examination results. Let’s look at the board-wise live updates of HSC Result 2024.

Board NameTotal CandidatesPass RateGPA-5
Dhaka Education Board79.2148548
Chittagong Education Board70.325759
Comilla Education Board71.157922
Barisal Education Board6608781.854167
Rajshahi Education Board81.2424902
Dinajpur Education Board77.5614295
Jessore Education Board64.299749
Sylhet Education Board85.396698
Mymensingh Education Board63.224826
Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board88,07693.409613
Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB)2,34,43388.94922

How to find the HSC Result 2024

The HSC and equivalent exam result 2024 can be known in several ways. Among these are SMS and online. You can also see the result through the mobile app. You can know the result along with your friends from your educational institution. If you want to see the result from home, you can follow any websites, apps, or SMS.

SMS: You can easily know the HSC Result 2024 by sending an SMS from any mobile phone. This will help you know your results quickly. Let’s see how to send an SMS.

  • Write in the message option – HSC [space] First three letters of Board Name [space] Roll [space] 2024
  • Send the message to 16222.

Online: HSC Result 2024 can be found on multiple websites. These are –

Apart from these three websites, you can also find the results from your education board’s website. To know the SSC result online, follow the instructions below.

  1. Enter any of the specified websites.
  2. Select “HSC/Alim/Equivalent” from the Examination option.
  3. Select “2024” from the Year option.
  4. Select your board name from the Board option.
  5. Select the result type if applicable.
  6. Enter your roll and registration number.
  7. Complete the security check if applicable.
  8. Click the “Submit” button.

App: You can also check your HSC Result 2024 using the app on any smartphone. You need to download and install the Education Board Result app from the Google Play Store to do this. Then, you can provide the necessary information to get the result.

From the institution: You can also collect your results from your educational institution. All educational institutions will publish the results on their notice boards. This is the best opportunity to see the results and celebrate with friends.

HSC Result with Marksheet

The HSC Result 2024 has been published in detail. The result contains the student’s detailed Marksheet, which mentions the GPA, letter grade, and subject-wise marks. The HSC Result 2024 with Marksheet can be found on the respective education board websites. Website links of all education boards are given below. Follow yours.

Detailed instructions on how to view the HSC Result 2024 with marksheet have already been published on the education boards’ websites. You can know the detailed result by following the instructions. There are also instructions for institutions in the notice. Let’s see how to get the HSC result with the Marksheet.

  1. Visit your education board website.
  2. Enter the “HSC Result 2024” link.
  3. Enter the Individual Result option.
  4. Provide necessary information.
  5. Click the “Submit” button.

Institution based result

Educational institutions will be able to download their students’ results online. To do so, they must visit the website of their respective education board. Institution-based results can be downloaded by following the instructions of the education board. The institution’s EIIN will be required to download paperless results.

  1. Visit educationboard.gov.bd website.
  2. Click the “Paperless Result (for Institutes)” link.
  3. Select board.
  4. Enter the EIIN of your institution.
  5. Select “HSC or equivalent” from the Type of result.
  6. Enter the exam year “2024”.
  7. Click the “Get Institution Result” button.

Board Challenge

If any student has any objection regarding the published HSC Result 2024, they can apply for re-rescrutiny. The re-scrutiny application can be made from 16th October to 22nd October. The application has to be made through Teletalk’s prepaid SIM. Detailed instructions for re-scrutiny applications have already been published on the education board websites.

The revised result will be published after the rescrutiny application. Students whose results will be changed will be informed via SMS. In addition, students can download the board challenge results from the websites of their respective education boards.


Thank you for staying with HSC Result 2024 Live Update. We hope you already know your result with a full marksheet. We have also tried to inform you with various information directly. If you have any questions, you can let us know by commenting. Visit our website regularly for any further updates.

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