The NU Honours Admission Result 2024 will be announced on 30 September 2024 by the National University. It’s important news for students who applied for admission to the National University. The 1st merit list for NU Honours Admission was released on 18 March 2024. After that, the NU Honours Admission Result 2nd Merit List 2024 was released on 18 April 2024. This means that students who have been eagerly waiting to know if they got admitted can now find out.
According to the National University Source, the Second Phase Application Result will be Released soon.
To check if you made it to the merit list, you can visit the National University admission website at There, you will find all the necessary information regarding the admission process and the merit list. You can also receive your National University Admission result 2024 via SMS. This is a convenient option for those who may not have easy access to the internet.
Now, let’s talk about what’s included in this article. We will cover how to check the NU Honours Admission Result 2024. This information is crucial for students eagerly waiting to see if they have been accepted into their desired program at the National University. So, if you’re one of those students, keep reading to find out all you need to know about checking your NU Honours Admission Result 2024 Merit List.
NU Honours Admission Result 2024
Today, the National University of Bangladesh announced the Honours 1st Year Admission Result 2024. This result is for students seeking admission to Government and Non-Government colleges affiliated with the National University of Bangladesh (NU).
These colleges will release separate merit lists for students applying to the Honours undergraduate program. There are two ways to check the NU Honours admission result 2024: online and via SMS.
The online application process for Honours admission started on January 22, 2024, and ended on February 11, 2024. Many students applied for admission to the Honours program for the academic year 2023-24 during this period. All these students are eagerly awaiting their NU admission merit list results. The National University Honours Admission Result 2nd Merit List 2024 was published On April 18, 2024.
NU Honours Migration Result 2024
The National University of Bangladesh Just Released the NU Migration Result 2024. This is the Honours Admission 2nd Migration Result. The quota result was also released with the NU Honours Migration Result 2024. The National University 2nd Migration Result 2024 has been Released on 6 May 2024. It can be checked as on the Merit List.
Candidates must download the Subject Change form between 6 May and 14 May if their Subject has been Changed through the Migration Process and they completed the Admission from the 2nd Merit List.

Honours Admission 2nd Merit List Result 2024
The NU Honours Admission Result 2nd Merit List 2024 will be out on April 18, 2024. If any students’ status changes after the 1st Merit List, they should wait for the 2nd Merit List. The National University Honours 1st Year admission process includes the 1st Merit List, 2nd Merit List, and Release Slip. The 2nd merit list for Honours admissions was released on 18 April 2024. Students have until April 28, 2024, to complete the final admission form fill-up process.

Honours Admission Result 1st Merit List
The National University has released the NU Honours Admission Result 1st Merit List 2024 today. If your name is on this list and you’ve been assigned a subject, you need to complete your final admission form by the specified deadline. When filling out the admission form, make sure to opt for auto migration. If you don’t choose this option, you won’t be able to move up to higher priority lists. The admission process for those on the first Merit List will be finished within 2 April 2024.

How to Check NU Honours Admission Result 2024
Today, the National University announced the release of the NU Honours Admission Release Slip Result 1st Merit List 2024. Applicants who applied for the 1st Year Honours can now access their NU Admission Result 2024 by sending an SMS or logging into the admission website.
To log in to the admission website (, candidates must have their Application Roll number and PIN handy. In case they forget or lose these numbers, there’s an option for recovery available.
For those checking their NU Honours Admission Release Slip Result 2024 Online, here are the step-by-step instructions:
- Visit the National University’s admission website at
- Look for the Honours Applicants Login option.
- Enter your Application Roll number and PIN.
- Click on the login button.
- Your admission result will be displayed on the dashboard.
Make sure to follow these instructions carefully to view your admission result without any hassle. You will find your Admission Roll and PIN on the Applicant’s copy.
NU Honours Admission Result 2024 by SMS
To check your National University Honours admission result 2024 using SMS, you’ll need to send a specific message format to the number 16222. Sometimes, the NU Admission Result website might not work quickly because many people are trying to access it. But don’t worry; if you don’t have internet access, you can still get your admission result through SMS. Here’s how you do it:
- Open your messaging app on your device.
- Type the following message: NU (space) ATHN (space) Your Application Roll Number
- Send this message to the number 16222.
For example, if your application roll number is 123456, your message would look like this: NU ATHN 123456 and Send it to 16222.
After you send the message, you’ll receive a return SMS with your admission result. However, to see the detailed merit list, you’ll need to visit the NU Admission Website at Honours Admission Result
The entire admission process is happening through the official admission website, which is managed by NU (National University). This website, called, handles admissions for Honours, Degree, and Masters programs. Currently, the focus is on completing the admission process for Honours programs.
The first phase of the process is already finished. This initial step involves checking the admissions Result for the first merit list. Next up is the final admission for those students who made it onto the first merit list. Once this is done, NU will release the second merit list. Additionally, there will be an option for release slips in the 2023-24 admission system. These steps will be carried out sequentially.
Today, the first merit list for NU Honours Admission Result 2024 has been announced, marking a significant moment for NU Honours Applicants. Congratulations to all the students who have been selected in the NU Admission Result. However, it’s important to complete your admission process; otherwise, you risk losing your seat. If that happens, you’ll need to apply for a release slip. The Classes for the National University Honours 1st Year 2024, will be started on 21 April 2024. Best wishes for your University journey.
By now, you should have found out whether you’ve been allocated a subject in the NU Honours Admission Result 2024 Merit List. If you didn’t get your desired subject, don’t worry. There will be another merit list. If you still don’t get your desired subject in the second merit list, you’ll need to apply for a release slip.
Admission result 2024 NU
Result ki diye diche?? Naki dibe??
Dibe 18 tarikh
25 tarikher vitore dite pare
Results dice
2nd merit ar result ki diche.,?
Ha disi ajkei
18 March
Koto tarik dibay
Nationalnal university,,result Monay dibay,,,
I want to know my result. Roll:5047688
Please help me tell me what my result
Apnr roll number r pin number din.
Vai pin mone nai ki korbo
Paisen naki.?
Roll =5211347
2nd Merritt lists এর রেজাল্ট কবে দিবে
Admission Result kobe National university 2024????
12 tarikhe dibe
18 tarikh
১৮ই মার্চ বিকেল চারটায়। ওয়েবসাইটে দেখা যাবে রাত 9 টায়
18 March 4:00
এস এম এর এর মাধ্যমে কিবাবে দেখা যাবে? “Time expired for getting ATHN result through SMS.”এরকম আসার কারন কি?
Results ekhono dische na kno…..r Kobe dibe??
When the honours results publisd
NU Admission result kobe dibea?
NU Admission result kobe dibea?
When the honours results publisd
Results ki dibe ajke
Reshoult Kii ajka diba
18 March
কখন দিবে রেজাল্ট?
18 March
NU ON CAMPUS2024 এর ভতি রেজাল্ট কবে দিবে
Nu Admission Result
19 trik published
Today, 18 March.
Ajka ke result pabo
Check it by Sending SMS or login with your Admission Roll and PIN.
Server problem dicche. 4pm result already esheche. But, 9pm website-e result-er dekha milbe.
2nd merit list er kuno subidha ache?
Yes. 2nd Merit List will be Released after Completion the Admission from 1st Merit List.
Amr ta aktu dekhen plz
Provide your Admission Roll and PIN.
application number:5184813
Pin code:5301
Invalid PIN
Amr oo same prblm
Akono result pai nai..
Result kivabe dekbo
By Sending SMS or login with your Admission Roll and PIN.
Nu admission result
Hello Everyone
Results dekhte parsina in?
Please kew results dekhe dite parba
Parlam na dekhte
Admin vaiya Amar results aktu dekhe dow plaese ????????????????
Amr result dekhbo
Provide your Admission Roll and PIN Here. XI Class Admission will be assist you.
Amar result dakboo
Roll 5063174
Pin ***
METHILA FARZANA, You are assigned PHILOSOPHY (1701) at Jessore Govt. City College, Jessore according to First merit list
Please click on Admission Form to provide required additional information.
Plz kaw amr result ta aktu dakhe diba
Amr result dekbo
amar result dekbo
Roll :3162069
MASUDA KHATUN, You are not in the Merit List. -NU Authority.
i did’nt see the result
Keo ki result dekhte perechen?
আমি পাইনি
আমার ফলাফল দেখমু
Admission result
Please check my result
Amar result ta ganta chai.
এইটা কোন সিস্টেমের মধ্যে পরে। দুইটা দিন ধরে চেষ্টা করে যাচ্ছি সার্ভারই ঠিক হলো না
আমার তো কোনো এসএমএস আসেনি। এবং আমি আমার রেজাল্ট দেখতে পারছি না।
আমার তো এস এম এসে আসেনি। আমার ভর্তির রেজাল্ট জানতে চাই। রোল নম্বর 3153073
result dekte caii vaiiyya
roll 3008229
pass **
Invalid Roll or PIN.
I want to know my result. Roll:5047688
What is the last date of admission those who have have made in 1st merit list?
2nd bar kobe apply kora jabe 2024 e ??
যারা প্রথম মেধা তালিকায় নাই তারা আবেদন কবে করতে পারবে !
Wait for the 2nd Merit List.
When will the 2nd merit list be published ?
Nice post
প্রথম মেরিট লিষ্টে নাম আছে। প্রথম টাইমে ভর্তি না হলে; ২য় মেরিট লিষ্টে নাম থাকবে কিনা? দয়া করে এখনই জানান।
ভর্তি বাতিল করতে হলে কি করতে হয়? (ভর্তি চার্জ ১৪,৫০০/-)
2nd merit result Kobe dibe
2nd merit apply date and results date?
When will 2nd merit list published?
How can I know whether I am in 2nd merit list on not ?
If someone’s name is in First merit list but was not admitted because of not getting the desired subject. In 2nd merit list name of applicant will appear or not?
No. He/she can be apply for the Release Slip.
How to 2nd merit list release of honours admission 2023-24?
2nd merit list Kobe published hove ??
2nd merit list Kobe dibe….
2nd merit er result kbe dibe?
2nd merit er result kbe dibe?naki dice??
When will the result of 2nd merit list be released ?
Honors 1st year
Pls I want see my results
National University, Bangladesh
Bachelor Degree (Honours) 1st Year Examination-2022
Name of Student MASUMA AKTHER
Exam. Roll 2250131
Registration No 21210038555
Session 2021-22
Student Type Regular
Subject BENGALI (10)
Result Promoted
Course wise Grade
Course Code Course Title Credit Letter Grade
211005 BANGLA POETRY-1 4 D
211007 BANGLA NOVEL-1 4 D
HSC B.=Dhaka
HSC Year=2022
HSC B.=Dhaka
HSC Year=2022
Plz i want to know my result.
Freedom Fighter এর জন্য কি আলাদা কোটা
Freedom Fighter এর জন্য কি আলাদা রেজাল্ট দিবে
Akhon porjonto NU 2nd merit list result dekhte pacchi nh kivabe dekhbo anyone help plz