The National University has started the online application process for the Preliminary To Masters Admission for the year 2024. The NU Preliminary to Masters Admission Circular 2024 has already been Published. According to the NU Masters Preliminary Admission Circular 2024, the application started today, on May 14, 2024, at 4 pm. The application period will last until May 27, 2024, at 12 pm. To apply, interested candidates must deposit an initial application fee of 300 taka within this period.
A notice has been published by the National University regarding the application process for the Preliminary To Masters Admission 2024. This notice provides information about when the application process begins, when it ends, and how to apply. In this post, we will discuss all the details related to theNU Preliminary To Masters Admission 2024. Let’s begin the discussion without delay.
NU Preliminary To Masters Admission 2024
The National University just posted the notice about admissions for the NU Preliminary To Masters program for 2024 on their official website.
This notice tells us that the admissions for the Preliminary To Masters program for the academic year 2021-22 will be online. It starts on May 14, 2024, and finishes on May 27, 2024.
If you’re interested in joining the master’s program in that academic year, you need to apply by paying a fee of 300 taka by the deadline mentioned. According to the notice, classes for this program will begin on July 1, 2024.
প্রিলিমিনারি টু মাস্টার্স ভর্তি আবেদনের ১ম মেধা তালিকা প্রকাশ হবে ১৩ জুন ২০২৪ তারিখে। চূড়ান্ত ভর্তি ফরম পূরণের শেষ তারিখ ৩ জুলাই ২০২৪।

NU Masters Preliminary Admission Form 2024?
To get admission to the National University Preliminary To Masters program for the 2021-22 academic year, you need to apply online. Let’s see how you can do it, step by step.
Step 1: First, go to the admission website ( and click on the Preliminary To Masters tab. Then click on Apply. Fill in all the required information like your exam roll number, registration number, personal mobile number, etc., correctly. Mistakes can cause problems later, like if you choose the wrong gender, it could affect your college admission. Also, be careful not to apply for a women’s college if you’re male, or your admission will be canceled.
Step 2: Next, upload a passport-size photo of yourself. It should be 120 x 150 pixels. Make sure it’s your photo; otherwise, your admission will be canceled.
Step 3: After entering all the info and uploading your photo, submit the form by clicking on the submit application button. You can later edit the form if needed by logging in with your roll number. Then print the application form. You’ll also need to submit an attested copy of your Preliminary To Masters first phase examination mark sheet and registration card.
Step 4: Once everything’s done, deposit the application fee of 300 rupees through mobile banking as instructed by your college. You’ll get an SMS notification once the money is deposited.
That’s it! By following these steps, you can apply for admission to the Master’s education program.
Preliminary To Masters Admission Fee 2024
If you’re applying to the National University for Preliminary To Masters admission for the 2021-22 sessions, there are some fees you need to know about. Let’s break it down:
- Registration fee (for each student): 800 taka.
- Sport and culture fee: 20 taka.
- BNCC fee (for each student): 5 taka.
- Rover Scout fees: 10 taka.
- Total fee for Preliminary To Masters admission for 2021-22 session students: 835 taka. To enroll in the National University Preliminary To Masters course, you need to pay 835 taka through mobile banking.
- If you decide to cancel your admission, there’s a fee of 700 taka.
- If you want to reinstate your admission later, you’ll also need to pay 700 taka per student.
That covers everything you need to know about the fees for National University’s Preliminary To Masters course admission for the 2021-22 sessions.
How to pay Preliminary To Masters Admission Fees?
College students should pay their admission fee at any Sonali Bank branch. The fee is Tk. 835 as mentioned in the National Universities notice. To do this, you need to download the Pay Slip by logging in and clicking on the “Admission Payment Information (Preliminary To Masters Reg)” option.
In the Payslip for the 2021-22 academic year, you’ll find the registration account number 0218100003245 under the “Registration Fee” section for graduates (Preliminary To Masters Reg). Once you’ve filled out the Pay Slip, take a copy to the nearest Sonali Bank branch, pay the fee, and collect your receipt.
Preliminary To Masters Admission Cancel Process 2024
If you need to cancel your application form or fix a photo mistake for the Preliminary to Masters admission, follow these steps. First, go to Applicant’s Login (Preliminary To Masters Reg) and enter your application number, rail number, and PIN. Then, click on the Form Cancel/Photo Change Option and choose Generate the Security key.
Next, you’ll receive a One Time Password (OTP) via SMS on the phone number you provided during the application. You’ll use this OTP to cancel your application or change your photo. You can even cancel your entire Preliminary to Masters admission application and apply again if needed.
NU Preliminary To Masters Admission Result 2024
The admission Result for the Preliminary to Masters program for the 2021-22 session at the National University will released on 13 June 2024.
The NU Masters Preliminary Result 2024 will be available at 4:00 pm through SMS and at 9:00 Online on 13 June 2024. Selected Candidates can fill out the Final Admission Form between 13 June and 3 July 2024. Final Admission should be completed by 4 July 2024.
To check the National University Master’s admission result, follow these steps:
- Open the messaging app on your mobile phone.
- Type “nu” [space] “your roll number” [space] “atmp”.
- Send this message to 16222.
For example, nu atmp 5684496 and then send it to 16222.

NU Masters Preliminary Admission Result 2024 Check Online
Here’s how you can check your Preliminary To Masters Admission Result 2024 online:
- Go to the NU admission portal:
- Log in using your admission roll and PIN.
- Once logged in, you’ll see your Preliminary To Masters admission result on the admission portal dashboard.
The National University has released a notice about the NU Preliminary to Masters Admission 2024 and also shared the date. If you want to get admitted to Preliminary to Masters, make sure to finish the admission process on time. If you miss the deadline, you won’t be able to get admission for the NU Preliminary to Masters for the 2024 academic year.