The XI Class Admission Result 2024 has been published. This is the HSC admission result 3rd Merit List 2024-2025. College admission results will be published in three phases. Today, on 12 July 2024, the XI Class Admission Result 3rd merit list 2024 has been Released. Before that, the XI Class Admission 1st and 2nd Merit List was completed. The XI Class 2nd Migration Result will be published along with the 3rd Merit List.
The XI Class merit list and migration result will be published through the XI Class Admission System official xiclassadmission gov bd. Here, the admission results of all the colleges of Dhaka, Rajshahi, Cumilla, Jashore, Chattogram, Barishal, Sylhet, Dinajpur, Mymensingh, and Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board will be published. Also, Madrasa Education Board Alim admission results can be known from here.
The XI Class Admission 2024-25 will be done through a total of three merit lists and two migration results. Final admission will be completed between 15 July 2024 to 25 July 2024. Then, the classes will start on 30 July, 2024.
XI Class Admission 2024-2025
Applications for XI Class admission are accepted in three phases. First-phase applications are accepted from May 26 to June 11. Then, the result of the first phase was published on 23 June 2024. The second phase of the application was completed from June 30 to July 2, 2024. The XI Admission Result 2024 of the second phase was published on July 4. The 1st Migration Result was released along with the 2nd Merit List. Applications for the third phase are accepted from July 9 to July 10, 2024. The XI Class Admission 3rd phase result was declared on July 12, 2024. The 2nd Migration Result was released along with the 3rd Merit List.
XI Class Admission Result 2024
XI Class Admission Result 2024 Merit List has been released. A total of three merit lists and two migration results have been released. After publishing all the merit lists and migration results, the final list has been published. Admission will be done from this final list. Candidates on the merit list should confirm their selection.
Confirmation must be completed within the specified date. Failure to confirm within the due date will result in the cancellation of the nomination. The students on the first merit list must confirm their selection between June 24 and June 29, 2024; the students on the second merit list between July 5 and July 8; and those on the third merit list between July 13 and July 14.
XI Class Admission Merit List 2024
Three Merit Lists have been Released for the XI Class Admission 2024-2025. The XI Class Admission Result 1st Merit List was Released on 23 June 2024, the XI Class Admission Result 2nd Merit List was Released on 4 July 2024, and the XI Class Admission Result 3rd Merit List was released on 12 July 2024.
The XI College Admission Result 2024 First Merit List has been published for First Phase Applicants. The XI Class Second Merit list was Published for the 2nd Phase Applicants, and the third merit list was released on 12 July for third phase applicants.
Phase | Merit List | Confirmation |
First Phase | 23 June 2024 | 24 June to 29 June 2024 |
Second Phase | 4 July 2024 | 5 July to 8 July 2024 |
Third Phase | 12 July 2024 | 13 July to 14 July 2024 |
XI Class Admission Result 3rd Merit List 2024
The 3rd Merit List for XI Class Admission 2024-25 has been released on 12 July 2024. This is the 3rd phase application result and 3rd merit list. Simultaneously, 2nd Migration Result is published. This merit list has been published for the students who have applied in 3rd step, those students who have not got any college allotment in 1st and 2nd steps, and those students who have not confirmed the selection in 2nd step. No migration result will be published for third-phase applicants.
XI Class Admission Result 2nd Merit List 2024
The XI Class Admission Result 2nd Merit List 2024 was released on 4 July 2024. The 1st migration result was also released on this day, along with the second merit list. 1st Migration Result has been published for the applicants in the first phase. Candidates selected in the 2nd phase must confirm the selection between 5th and 8th July 2024.
Students who are not selected for admission to any college in the first phase, applicants in the second phase, and those who have not confirmed the selection in the first phase are placed in the second merit list. The 2nd Migration Result for 2nd-phase applicants is published on the 3rd merit list. The 3rd Merit List and the 2nd Migration Results will be published on 12 July 2024.
XI Class Admission Result 1st Merit List 2024
The 1st Merit List for Class XI Result 2024 has been released on 23 June 2024. This merit list has been published for the applicants in the first phase. Students in the first merit list should confirm their selection between 24 June and 29 June. The migration results for the selected students in the first phase will be released along with the 2nd merit list. The 2nd merit list and 1st migration result will be published on 4 July 2024.
How to know the XI class admission result?
The students on the XI Class Merit list will be informed about the result through SMS. Students can also check the results by visiting the XI Class Admission System website ( Students can know the result by providing their SSC exam roll, registration number, board name, and passing year. The XI Class 1st merit list, 2nd merit list, 3rd merit list, 1st migration result, and 2nd migration result will be known in the same process. Follow the steps below for the XI Class Admission Result 2024-2025.
- Visit
- Enter the View Result option.
- Enter your SSC/equivalent exam details.
- Complete the security check.
- Click on the submit button.
XI Class Selection Confirmation 2024
Students selected for the XI Class Admission Result 1st Merit List, XI Admission Result 2nd Merit List, and XI Class Admission Result 3rd Merit List must confirm the selection. However, if the college is changed through migration, there is no need to confirm again.
If someone does not complete the confirmation within the stipulated date, his/her nomination will be canceled. There are total Tk. 335 should be paid through mobile banking to confirm the XI class admission. Detailed instructions regarding confirmation are available on the XI Class Admission System website. XI admission selection must be confirmed within the time frame mentioned below.
Phase | Confirm Start | Conform Deadline |
First Phase | 24 June 2024 | 29 June 2024 |
Second Phase | 5 July 2024 | 8 July 2024 |
Third Phase | 13 July 2024 | 14 July 2024 |
XI Class Admission Migration Result 2024
The XI Class admission process will be finalized through two migrations. The migration process is automated. However, those students who are not interested in migration are given the option to stop migration. The XI Class Admission 1st Migration Result was published on 4 July 2024. It is released with the second merit list. The XI Class Admission 2nd Migration Result was published on 12 July 2024. It is published along with the 3rd merit list. Students who have changed colleges through migration need not reconfirm.
XI Class Admission 2024
The final admission will start after the publication of all merit lists and migration results for XI Class Admission 2024-2025. The Class XI admission will begin on 15 July 2024. Based on the College Admission Result 2024-2025, the admission process will continue till 25 July 2024. The student has to attend and complete the admission in person. The prescribed fee and necessary documents must be submitted to the concerned college for admission. The admission process will be completed from the final merit list of XI Class Admission Result 2024. According to the admission Guidelines, the class will start on 30 July 2024 after completing the XI Class Admission.
Result dibe kokhon
The XI result will be released at 7:00 p.m. You will be informed of the result through SMS on your mobile phone. However, you can check it out online.
Akono pai ni
Check it Online with your SSC/Equivalent Roll and Registration Number.
Kokhon dibey?
rat 8 tar por
after 8 pm
Result ki paichen keo
confirm hoyche ki na, bujbo kivaabe?
You can check your confirmation status through the XI Class Admission System website. There is an option to check the confirmation status.
Assalamu Alaikum Sir, when will the admission start for the fourth phase
koytar somoy dibo
Peyeso result?
Kokhon result?
after 8 pm
no after 8 p.m
Its has been Released.
2nd mrt result kivbe dekhso?
Peyeso tmr college?
rat 8 tar por dibe
Paisen results paisen
Result ki paicen kew
when will drop the result ?
The XI Class Admission Result has been Released. Check it Online.
Amar ta tu akn w ase nai 8ta tu beje gelo
Please check it out online. The result-checking link has been given in the article.
How can i check it on online? i
You can check your Result online through the Admission website. Selected Students will also be informed through SMS.
Peyeso tmr college?
Result debey kohon?
Syed sajib hossain
Roll 202194 board dhaka passing year 2023 reg 2010470593
Miagration er result gula kokhon dibe? er jonne ki extra kichu kora lagbe
You will be eligible for migration if you confirm your nomination. Otherwise, you will not be considered for the migration process. The first migration result will be released on September 16, and the second migration result for 2023 will be released on September 23.
bhai result koi
The Result has been Released online through the admission website. Read the Article and Check your Result.
You can check it online through the XI Class Admission System website with your roll number and registration number. However, the authority will be informed of the result through SMS.
The XI Class Result has been Released. Check it through the Admission Website. Authority will also be informed it through SMS.
What is the problem of not being able to access the admission web site?
দেখতে পারছি না
Visit the XI Class Admission Website and Check your Result with your SSC/Equivalent Roll Number, Registration Number, Education Board name and Pass Year.
Assalamualaikum I have given SSC exam this year at 23 years old but I gave college choice first but I don’t understand that I have to do college registration. That’s why I can’t take admission in any college now.
what to do.
One more year of my life would be over if I should not give it another chance.
Amio parci na
Kono college choice hoini
Tahole ki college admission hbe na????
Kivabe check korechen..ami parchi e na
“Migration result” option ta ashche na..
You can check your migration result, like your merit list. Just visit the admission website and then click on the result option. After that, provide your SSC or equivalent exam details and press the Submit button. If your college has been changed through the migration process, you will be shown the new college name. If there is no change, it has not been changed.
“The migration process is automated. However, those students who are not interested in migration are given the option to stop migration.”—-
I am not interested in my migration from my primarily confirmed college(My second choice).. What will be my option to stop auto migration to my first choice???
Please help me to stop auto migration. Please Email me what to do to stop auto migration. Do i have to go to board physically for this?
Reference as follow from your post in website :
“XI Class Admission Migration Result 2023:
The XI Class admission process will be finalized through two migrations. The migration process is automated. However, those students who are not interested in migration are given the option to stop migration. The XI Class Admission 1st Migration Result was published on 16 September 2023. It is released with the second merit list. The XI Class Admission 2nd Migration Result was published on 23 September 2023. It is published along with the 3rd merit list. Students who have changed colleges through migration need not reconfirm.”
Assalamualaikum I have given SSC exam this year at 23 years old but I gave college choice first but I don’t understand that I have to do college registration. That’s why I can’t take admission in any college now.
what to do.
One more year of my life would be over if I should not give it another chance.
আসসালামুয়ালাইকুম আমি এই বছর 23সালে এসএসসি পরীক্ষা দিয়েছি কিন্তু আমি প্রথমে কলেজ পছন্দ দিয়েছি কিন্তু আমি বুঝতে পারছি না যে আমাকে কলেজ রেজিস্ট্রেশন করতে হবে। এ কারণে আমি ভর্তি হতে পারছি না।
এখন কি করবো। ভর্তি না হতে পারলে তো আমার জীবনের এক বছর শেষ হয়ে যাবে। এখন কি উপায় আছে আমার জন্য।
কেউ হেল্প করেন প্লিজ **** এটা আমার মোবাইল নাম্বার।
I got my college of 2nd apply. But due to my ignorance I could not confirm my college.
Is there any chance of 4th apply now?
You are advised to visit the XI Class Admission Website regularly. If there are any update notices available, you will find them here.
Is there any chance of giving a 5th time application for college admission?
My college choice is coming for my 2nd time to apply. But I didn’t know that college has to confrm.
What do I do now?
Will there be any chance of applying for the 4th time?
I request you to help me with this matter.
Dear Sir/Madam,
As per your given schedule, Auto Migration result for HSC Admission would have been published on 4th July, 2024 but still I didn’t get any SMS and also checked in my profile but didn’t find anything.
Would highly be appreciated, if you let me know via SMS or in my profile.
Thanks & Regards,
Vai ami xi class a vorti complete korechi kintu kerani bolche server a num dicche na.. Notun vorti houa korbo