The official website of XI Class Admission is Through this, the admission to class XI in government, private colleges and madrasas in Bangladesh is completed. Admission notices, application procedures, and all other information are published through this website. Online application is accepted through this website in a few steps. At the end of the application, the merit list and migration result are published in several steps. Confirmation is done at each step and final admission is done through this website.
The has released the XI Class Admission Circular 2024-2025. As per the notification, the application will be accepted in three phases. First phase application will start on 26th May 2024 and last date of application was 13th June 2024. Then, the merit list will be published. A total of three merit lists will be published. Two migration results will be released along with the merit list. Following is the roadmap for XI Class Admission 2024-2025.
Phase | Application | Results | Confirmation |
First Phase | 26 May to 13 June 2024 (Extend) | 23 June 2024 | 24 June to 29 June 2024 |
Second Phase | 30 June to 2 July 2024 | 4 July 2024 | 5 July to 8 July 2024 |
Third Phase | 9 July to 10 July 2024 | 12 July 2024 | 13 July to 14 July 2024 |
The final admission will start on 15 July 2024 after completing all the steps. The admission process will end on 25 July 2024. In the academic year 2024-25, class XI will start from 30 July 2024.
XI Class Admission Form 2024
The XI Class admission application has started. The first phase began on 26 May 2024, and the last date for application was 11 June 2024. Later it was extended up to 13 June. The XI Class Admission Form can be filled out through the apply website. The application has to be completed in two steps. Below are the steps to apply.
Step 1: Payment
The application fee must be paid at the beginning of the application. The primary application fee is Tk.150. The fee can be paid through Mobile Banking (bKash, Rocket, Nagad, Ok Pay), Sonali Sheba, Debit and Credit Card, or Online Banking. First, sign up and create an Account to pay the application fees. Click here for application fee payment rules. After paying the application fee, the second step is to complete the online application.
Step 2: Apply online
If you have already completed the payment, you can apply online. A student can give a maximum of 10 college preferences for online application. The minimum preference should be 5. For each preference group and version must be selected. Also, the student or parent’s details and the active mobile number should be provided if there is a quota. Let’s see how to fill out the XI Class application form 2024.
- Visit the website.
- Click on the “Apply Now” button.
- Provide your SSC or equivalent examination details.
- In the next step, provide your mobile number and quota information.
- Provide your College preference
- View the preview
- Submit if your preference and other details are correct.
একাদশ শ্রেণিতে অনলাইনের মাধ্যমে ভর্তির লক্ষ্যে পছন্দক্রম অনুযায়ী ২য় মাইগ্রেশনের ফল, এবং ৩য় পর্যায়ের আবেদনের ফল প্রকাশিত হয়েছে।
You will receive a confirmation SMS with a PIN/Security Code on your provided mobile number if your application is submitted correctly. Also, you can modify, add, or change the preferences later by logging in with your SSC and equivalent details and OTP. You can change your choice up to 5 times before the deadline. College List
College List of all Government and Non-government Colleges and Madrasahs Under the Dhaka, Comilla, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Dinajpur, Jessore, Barisal, Sylhet, Mymensingh, and Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board has been published through the college list link. The list contains the minimum GPA, number of seats, group, and other information for applying to the Science, Humanities, and Business Studies groups for all Colleges.
- Dhaka Board
- Chittagong Board
- Comilla Board
- Barisal Board
- Dinajpur Board
- Rajshahi Board
- Jessore Board
- Sylhet Board
- Mymensingh Board
- Madrasah Board
XI Class Admission Result
XI Class Admission Result 2024 will be released in three phases. Three merit lists will be released for the three-phase application. Two migration results will also be published. The applied students will be informed about the results through SMS. Also, the XI Class Results can be checked through the result link. XI Class Merit List and migration results will be published per the following schedule.
Results | Date |
1st Merit List | 23 June 2024 |
2nd Merit List | 4 July 2024 |
1st Migration Result | 4 July 2024 |
3rd Merit List | 12 July 2024 |
2nd Migration Result | 12 July 2024 | result 2024
The XI class admission merit lists and migration results can be checked through the result 2024 website. Also, the results will be informed to the applicant through SMS from the XI Class Admission System. Let’s see how to check results online.
- Login to the website.
- Click on the “Result” Link
- Provide your SSC/equivalent details.
- Click on the “View Result” button.
- View the results from the dashboard.
You will see the college name and group and other details of the college you have selected for admission. If you want to get a migration facility, you must confirm admission. If you do not confirm admission, your nomination will be canceled, and you will not be considered eligible for migration. In that case, you have to apply again in the next step. But if you are not selected for admission to any college, you don’t need to apply again. You will be considered in the next merit list.
Admission Confirmation
Candidates selected for admission must confirm their admission after the results are released at each phase. If the admission is not confirmed within the stipulated date, his/her nomination will be canceled. Click here or visit the XI Class Admission System website for confirmation rules. Nominations are to be confirmed as per the schedule below.
Merit List | Confirmation |
1st Merit List | 24 -29 June 2024 |
2nd Merit List | 5-8 July 2024 |
3rd Merit List | 13-14 July 2024 |
It should be noted that there is no need to confirm again in case of a college change through the migration process. In that case, the student has to complete the admission process in the changed college at the time of final admission.
The final admission process will start after all the application, merit list, and migration results are published. Students will complete the admission to the selected college from 15 July 2024 to 25 July 2024. The Ministry of Education has already published the Fee list for the XI Class admission 2024-2025 on the website Students must complete the admission by depositing the prescribed application fee and submitting the necessary documents.
Hello ????
Apply kokon Suru hbe
Hoise matro
Abedon ki vabe korbo
I am megha rani
রানি, তুমি কি আবেদন করতে পেরেছো ?
rani kori ni
tumi kore daw
আসসালামু আলাইকুম
একাদশ শ্রেনির ভর্তির আবেদন এখনো করতে পারি নাই। আমি কি আর ভর্তি হতে পারবো না
Hm parben,,26 tarik abr application nibe
Confrim korte koto taka lagbe.?
Maybe 300tk
Jii medam
150 Tk
150 taka
Only 150
Admissions or choice dewa jasse na to ????…..
Kibabe Ami borti hobo
Hi My name is sabid you????????
Xiclassadmission er server astache nh kno
Date of birth vul ase . Singup er khetre vul ase , thik kora jaceh na
Try after 11AM
Sondha 6 tar por apply kora jabe
Admission hoy na kno
Website ashtesi na…
akhono server jam… why?
abedon server asce na kno ektu help korben kew
Form kotteke collect korbo? Can someone help me
Father name: MD. SAIF ULLAH
Mother name: SELINA YESMIN
Date of Birth: 10/11/2006
Group: Business studies
Center name & code: Ramgati-2(718)
Roll No: 60 81 96
Reg No: 19 11 29 99 70
6:00 pm already over
Website e dukay na keno
Server still down. Wait
কখন সার্ভার ঠিক হবে?
কিভাবে এপ্লাই করে সেটা বুঝতেছিনা দেই
Server Down. Wait…
একটু বলেন না
Server ki down?
Now 10:38 PM but I am not to be abel to create account.
why ill try but server down
সার্ভারে প্রবেশ করা যায় না কেন?
কখন থেকে আবেদন করা যাবে?
I was trying to login since last night to apply admission for my daughter. But, nothing displayed to login………… what’s the problem??
Servers Complete Koren Urgently
Servers problem
server ki Akon o on Koi nai ?
পৃথিবীর মধ্যে বাংলাদেশের সার্ভার সবচেয়ে দুর্বল এর প্রমাণ জনগণের ভোগান্তি
I think there’s something about the cyclone. Perhaps the kids of the coastal areas can’t sign up currently; that’s why they turned it off. Who knows…I don’t see any reasons at all
The server shows that the site can’t be reached. It has already been 2 days and I can’t figure out how to fix it. Is this a universal issue or something I need to fix.
Nah, it’s the server’s issue. None of us can get in
surver problm kno eto
Hello kon somoy apply koro jabi vai bolen
একটা গভর্নমেন্ট এডুকেশনাল ওয়েবসাইট যদি এমন হয় তাইলে কেমনে হবে। সার্ভার কিভাবে ডাউন থাকতে পারে? যদি আপনারা ভালো সার্ভিস ই না দিতে পারেন তাহলে এইসব ফাইজলামি করার কি দরকার ছিল। 2 দিন ধরে ওয়েবসাইট এই যাওয়াই যাচ্ছে না।
Govt. Web side. Too slow. Not working well…
I tried to several times since yesterday to get into the server but no help. Please could any one can help me, how to apply for admission on XI class?? I shall be obliged to you. Thanks
You may follow our advice. The Last date to apply online is 11 June. So try it after few days.
bkash theke payment sucess dakhacha but xi site a payment INITIATED dakhacha
11 June ta bujlam… apply korar time tk neowar somoy server down thake na neowar sesh er porei server down..amn kno hbe.? kno ai hoyranir shikar hote hbe amdr
১) আমার এপ্লিকেশন সাবমিট করার পর বারবার শুধুমাত্র Internal Server Error দেখাচ্ছে কেন? যার জন্য আমি এপ্লিকেশন কমপ্লিট করতে পারতেছি না।
২) তাছাড়া ও আমার পেমেন্ট ২বার কেটে নিয়েছে কেন?
I fogot my password how can I reset that?
আসসালামু আলাইকুম।
পেমেন্ট করতে গেলে নিচের ম্যাসেজটা আসে কেন?
”আপনার পেমেন্ট ব্যর্থ হয়েছে?”
কিছুক্ষণ পর আবার চেষ্টা করুন।
সমাধান দিলে উপকার হয়।
আমার টাকা ২ বার পেমেন্ট হয়েছে এখন কী আমি যে বাড়তি ১৫০ টাকা পেমেন্ট নিয়েছে সেটা কী ফেরত পাবো !!
Ami amar password ti bhule gechi ekhon kmne ki korbo
Signup korechi with required information and mobile number. But number e PIN soho kono message asche na. Already 02 hours passed.
Please advice.
আমি আমার লগইন কোড এর এস এম এস ফোনে পাচ্ছি না। এডমিন কি কোনো ভাবে সাহায্য করতে পারবেন?
সার্ভারে কেন ঢুকতেছে না?
আমি আমার লগইন কোড এর এস এম এস ফোনে পাচ্ছি না। এডমিন কি কোনো ভাবে সাহায্য করতে পারবেন?
Hi Everyone,
Please clarify me if you know, like one student wants to apply for “Bangla & English” medium courses in college (like Adamjee Cantt College) , then the student needs to give 2 choices, or 1 choice will be okay, then medium will be allocated later by college.
আমি আমার লগইন কোড এর এস এম এস ফোনে পাচ্ছি না। এডমিন কি কোনো ভাবে সাহায্য করতে পারবেন?
number e msg astese nh….
Bkash এ সব নিয়ম মেনে 150/= টাকা আবেদন ফি জমা দিয়েছি শুরুতেই। এখন পর্যন্ত Cancelled, Error এসব দেখাচ্ছে।
HLW all ,,,,ami apply korsilam akhn kn jani loging hoy na akhn ami ki korbo
Apply ar results kokhon and kivabe dewa hobe
কেন কলেজের রেজাল্ট দেখেতে পারতেছি না , কী ওয়েবসাইট বনাইছেন , যদি সিষ্টেমটা ঠিক আছে কিন্তু রেজাল্ট দেখতে পারতেছি না মন খারাপ লাগতেছে , দয়া করে কিছু করেন ,
ami akhn oo kono result pai nai College er
আমি মেসেজ পাইছি কিন্তু লগ ইন করতে পারছি না…কেউ কি একটু সাহায্য করবা..?
Ami apply korci but selection confirme korci akhon ki kon upay nai College poribottn korar