The is the official website to download the Admit Card for the Government Primary School Assistant Teacher Recruitment Exam. Admit cards for the first and second phases have already been released through this website. The Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) has released the latest 3rd Phase Primary Teacher Admit Card. Applicants of Dhaka and Chittagong divisions can download their admit card from 23 March 2024. It can be downloaded till the Exam Date. The 3rd phase Primary Assistant Teacher exam will be held on 29 March 2024, Friday from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.
The Primary Admit Card 3rd Phase 2024 can be downloaded from the website. Candidates can download the admit card by logging in with their user ID and password. Also, admit cards can be downloaded with SSC or equivalent exam information. This is the only official website. All the candidates have to download the admit card from here. In the past, the admit card was published on the admit card website, but for the last few years, the authorities have been publishing the admit card for the government primary school assistant teacher exam through the website.
Apart from exam-related notices, OMR filling rules, detailed exam instructions, admit card download link, user ID, and password recovery options are also available on this website. Applicant’s copy can also be downloaded from here. Let’s see how to download the Primary Assistant Teacher Admit Card 2024.
By User ID and Password
If you already have a User ID and Password or you have received a User ID and Password through SMS, then you can log in with it and download the Admit Card. For this, all you need to do is-
- Visit the website.
- Click on the Download Admit Card by User ID/Password link.
- Enter your user ID and password.
- Enter the security code exactly.
- Click on the Download Admit Card button.
- Download and print the PDF file.
By SSC/Equivalent Exam Information
If you lost your user ID and password or did not receive it through SMS, you can download the admit card with your SSC or equivalent exam details (e.g. Roll, Board, and Passing Year). For that, you need to follow the below steps.
- Visit the website.
- Click on the Download Admit Card by SSC Roll/Board/Year link.
- Enter your SSC exam roll, board, and year.
- Enter the security code exactly in the box next to it.
- Click on the Download Admit Card button.
- Print the file.
Please Note that, with the Admit Card, candidates must bring his/her National ID card original Copy in the Exam Hall. Don’t forget it.

Seat Plan
The information regarding the seat plan of the Government Primary School Assistant Teacher Exam 3rd Phase 2024 is mentioned in the Admit Card. The exam date, time, center name, venue, and address are mentioned on the admit card. Also, detailed instructions regarding the exam are mentioned in the admit card. Candidates have to attend the test at the designated center. Under no circumstances can a candidate of one center appear in the examination of another center. Detailed seating arrangements will be available on the notice board/gate of the respective center.
Recover User ID and Password
If the user ID and password are lost and need to be recovered, they can be recovered from the website. There is a separate link for recovery on this website. Candidates can recover the user ID with the required information.
Help Line
If you face any problems downloading the Primary Assistant Teacher admit card or for any information related to the admit card helpline is available. For this, you have to contact the helpline number specified on the website. The helpline numbers are 01305703871, 01305703865, and 01305703872. Also, an email can be sent with supporting documents to [email protected].
My personal admit Card