The website is where you can find the official results of the National University of Bangladesh. It’s where they share all the results. Recently, they put up the NU Degree 2nd Year Result 2025 with CGPA on this website today, 23 February 2025. This is where students can find and download their mark sheets, whether regular, irregular, or improving their grades.
The National University has released the NU Degree Result 2025 for Regular, Irregular, and Improvement Candidates in the 2020-21 sessions on the honours website. Exams were conducted in 1910 colleges across 671 exam centers. Websites like and www nu ac bd results publish these results. However, it’s easiest to check the results from the official NU website, In this article, you’ll learn how to download your result, mark sheet, and result in PDF from this website. Be sure to read the full article for all the details. honours 2nd year
Do you want to see your NU Degree 2nd Year result 2025? It’s really easy! Just go to and follow some simple steps. This is the only website where you can find all the info about NU Degree Result 2025. The Degree Result 2025 came out today at 4:30 PM on the website.
If you’re a candidate, checking your honours final year results now is very important. is the only official website where you can get the results. 2 Lakh 07 thousand 905 candidates took this year’s NU second Year exam. Only 91.49% of students passed all subjects, which means only 81,671 passed. Now, fourth-year students are excited and eager to know their CGPA. Visit the NU official website and download your result now.
How to Know 2nd Year Result?
Through www nu ac bd result website, getting your 2nd year Result is simple. You can find any honours result on the official NU Results portal at Follow these steps to check your Degree Results for the 2nd Year in 2025:
- Go to the official website for BA / BSS Result, and for B.Sc / B.B.S / B.Music / B.Sports / Certificate Course Result.
- Select the exam type as ‘Degree.’
- Choose the ‘Fourth Year’ year option.
- Pick the Exam year as ‘2023’.
- Enter your final year roll and registration number.
- Input the security key and submit to view your result.
The National University students can check their results online on the results website. This portal provides results with mark sheets for BA, BSS, BSc, and BBA Honours. If you didn’t pass the exam, you can apply for a board challenge, which starts after the result is published. Apply for the board challenge if you didn’t pass the final exam.
2nd Year Result 2025 CGPA
You can get your NU Degree Result 2025 Marksheet from the website The original marksheet is crucial. You can download the consolidated results from for all four years. The 2nd Year Degree Result is available now on, and you can download the marksheet easily from the official website by following the instructions provided.
NU Degree Result pdf
Are you looking for the NU Degree Result pdf? The long-awaited Degree Result for 2025 is finally on the official NU website, You can easily download the result pdf from This is an important moment for NU students who have been studying hard for three years and eagerly await their results. The results show how well they’ve done in their studies and what opportunities lie ahead.
That’s why students are closely monitoring the official website for any updates on when the results will be released. You can now find the honours final year result on the national university’s official result archive website –
The exams took place from September 6, 2023, to October 30, 2023. We’ve already uploaded the pdf file downloaded from of the honours final-year result here so students can easily check their results.
NU 2nd year Result | Pdf Download |
Degree 2nd Year Re-scrutiny Process 2024
If you’re unhappy with your CGPA for your honours, you can ask to have your exam paper checked again from the portal. You can apply for a review if you’re unsure about your grades in any subject. You can do this on the Nu website: So, don’t worry if you get low marks or fail any subjects.
Remember, you’ll need to pay a fee for each subject you want reviewed. The National University will announce details about re-reviewing the 2nd year degree results 2025. Enter the correct subject or paper codes when filling out the form on the website. After completing the form, you must download the payment slip. Make sure to include the Shonali Sheba account number (0218100000135) on the slip. Applications without this account number won’t be accepted.
Did you find out about the NU Degree 2nd Year Result from If not, you can check it on the or website. The result is only available there. Don’t forget that you won’t see your result if you don’t visit the website Make sure to check it out and share the news with your friends. Thanks!
Roll: 2165951
Reg: 20319130824
Give me my result plz
Name of student .Rakib islam
Regi. 21102001107
MD. Zahidul Islam. Roll no.2471433 Registration no.21101265332
Registration No. 21101265332
Result Promoted
Course-wise Obtained Letter Grade
111501=F ,111901=F ,111903=D ,111801=C ,111803=A-,111701=F ,111703=D
Roll -2314742
Reg: 21102803720
Reg: 18219069355
Reg 17319069410
Roll -2314742
Reg: 21102803720