NU Admission Result 2024 – ডিগ্রী ভর্তি রেজাল্ট দেখুন

The National University Admission Result 2024 has been Published. This is the Degree 1st Year Admission Result 2023-2024. Applicants can find the NU admission result 2024 at admission result. They can also send an SMS to see their results, including the Merit List, Release Slip Result, Migration Result, and Quota Result. The NU Admission Result 1st and 2nd merit list 2024 will be available through the same process.

National University Admission Result 2024

National University publishes notices before the publication of admission results. The notification mentions the NU Admission Result date, time, and result viewing rules. The notification also contains detailed instructions on what to do next for the selected candidates. The National University of Bangladesh usually publishes multiple merit lists for admission to Honours, Masters, Degree (Pass), and Professional courses. Also, migration and quota results are published separately. Release slip results are published after admission from merit lists.

জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ডিগ্রী ভর্তির ২য় মেধা তালিকা ১৭ নভেম্বর ২০২৪ তারিখে প্রকাশ করা হয়েছে। চূড়ান্ত ভর্তি ফরম ১৭ থেকে ২৫ নভেম্বরের মধ্যে পূরণ করে ভর্তি সম্পন্ন করতে হবে ২৫ নভেম্বর ২০২৪ তারিখের মধ্যে।

  • 1st Merit List: NU 1st Merit List is released after primary admission application. This list is published for vacant seats in each course/subject. NU Degree Admission 1st Merit List Result will be Released on 20 October 2024.
  • 2nd Merit List: The NU Admission Result 2nd Merit List is published for vacant seats after admission from the 1st Merit List. Students not selected for admission in the 1st merit list are considered in the 2nd. The Degree 2nd Merit List was Released on 17 November 2024.
  • 3rd Merit List: The NU Admission Result 3rd Merit List will be Released if there are seats available after the admission from the second merit list is completed. However, it depends on the National University Admission Authority.
  • Migration Result: The migration result is published for the students who have completed admission to the 1st merit list. Migration is done automatically based on the student’s merit score and preference. However, a student can opt out of the automatic migration facility.
  • Quota Results: Quota results are published for students who are eligible for quota admission, and the quota information is mentioned in the admission application.
  • Release Slip Result: Release slip application starts after admission from the merit lists. Applicants must provide the new colleges and subject preference in the release slip. All those students who have not been placed in the 1st or 2nd merit list, have not completed admission after being selected, or have canceled admission after admission can apply for a release slip. Students who have not filled out the Primary admission form are not eligible for a release slip. The release slip result is published after the release slip application. The National University of Bangladesh usually completes admission through multiple release slips.
NU Degree 2nd Merit List 2024
NU Admission Result 2024 Degree 1st Merit List
NU Admission 2nd Merit List Result 2024
NU Admission Result 2024

How to Check NU Admission Result 2024?

There are two methods to find the NU Admission Result 2024. One is by logging on to the admission website: admission result 2024; the other is by sending an SMS. You can check your admission result using the method that is convenient for you. Below, you will find the details of the procedures.


  • First of all, visit the National University Admission Website (
  • Then, it would be best to go to the Honours/Degree Pass/Masters/Professionals tab for your assigned course.
  • After that, you must click on the applicant login link of the course you applied for.
  • Now, enter your admission application roll and PIN.
  • Click on the login button.
  • Now, View your NU Admission Result 2024 from the dashboard.


To know the NU Admission Result 2024 by SMS, send an SMS from any mobile phone. Standard SMS charges will be deducted for each SMS.

  • Open your messaging/SMS application.
  • Now write – NU <ATDG> Your Admission Roll
  • Send the message to 16222.

Here is the example for the NU Admission Result 2024 for Degree Pass. If you want to know the degree admission result, then write ATDEG. ATHN for Honours, ATMP for the Master’s preliminary admission result, and ATMF for the Master’s final year admission result.

Final Admission Form Fill-up

If you get a chance to be admitted to the National University, you have to complete the admission by filling out the final admission form. If you are selected for admission to the Honours course of the National University in the 2nd merit list, you must fill out the final admission form between November 17, 2024 and November 25, 2024. You must log in with your admission roll and PIN to complete the NU final admission form.

  1. Visit the website.
  2. Go to the Degree tab.
  3. Click on the Applicant’s Login link from the Honours Admission option.
  4. Complete login with your admission roll and PIN.
  5. Fill out the final admission form with the required information on the dashboard.
  6. Download and print the admission form.

NU Admission 2024

After Publishing the NU Admission Result 2024, All the selected students must complete the admission within the stipulated date. If the admission is not completed within the specified date, his/her nomination will be considered canceled. Admission from the Degree 1st merit list will start on 21 October 2024. Admission must be completed by 3 November 2024. The final admission form and necessary documents must be submitted to the designated college to complete the admission. Also, the required fee has to be paid directly or through mobile banking.


All National University Admission 2024 activities will be done through the NU admission system website, The NU Admission Result 2024 and all instructions related to Admission will be published on this website continuously. So, all applicants need to follow this website regularly for all admission-related information. This is the only official website to check the National University Admission Result 2024 and all information related to admission.

192 thoughts on “NU Admission Result 2024 – ডিগ্রী ভর্তি রেজাল্ট দেখুন”

  1. Bangladesh er govt. websitegula ato baje kano hoy? UI gula akdom userfriendly noy and easy to accessable o hoyna. Dese ki developer nai? Koto sundor kore ai same website ta banano somvob jane sadharon sikkharthira sohojei website access korte pare… It should be solved…

    • SYEDA NADIA AKTER NURA, You are assigned ECONOMICS (2201) at Government Murari Chand College, Sylhet according to First merit list
      Please click on Admission Form to provide required additional information.

    • HAFSA AKTHER MIM, You are assigned SOCIAL WORK (2101) at Narayanganj Mahila College, Narayanganj according to First merit list
      Please click on Admission Form to provide required additional information.

  2. Can someone please check my friends result…. She is getting anxious… I somehow luckily managed to get my results… But now I can’t go to the website… Admission roll:7095713 pin:***

    • MD. RIFAT KHAN, You are assigned PHILOSOPHY (1701) at Govt. Azizul Haque College, Bogra according to First merit list
      Please click on Admission Form to provide required additional information.

    • PROTAB SAHA DIPTO, You are assigned BOTANY (3001) at Netrakona Govt. College, Netrakona according to First merit list
      Please click on Admission Form to provide required additional information.

    • MD. ROBIUL BASHER, You are assigned POLITICAL SCIENCE (1901) at Govt. Bangabandhu College, Gopalganj according to First merit list
      Please click on Admission Form to provide required additional information.

    • MD.SADMAN HABIB, You are assigned HISTORY (1501) at Mahtabuddin College, Jhenaidah according to First merit list
      Please click on Admission Form to provide required additional information.

    • KAZI MAHIMA AKTER, You are assigned ENGLISH (1101) at Lalmatia Govt. Mohila College, Dhaka according to First merit list
      Please click on Admission Form to provide required additional information.

    • TASMINA ZAHAN TOMA, You are assigned BOTANY (3001) at Nawabganj Govt. College, Chapai Nababganj according to First merit list
      Please click on Admission Form to provide required additional information.

    • AREJINA AKTER, You are assigned SOCIAL WORK (2101) at Kishoreganj Govt. Mahila College, Kishoregonj according to First merit list
      Please click on Admission Form to provide required additional information.

    • MD. SOJIB SARKER, You are assigned BANGLA (1001) at Ibrahim Khan Government College, Tangail according to First merit list
      Please click on Admission Form to provide required additional information.

    • AMINUL ISLAM, You are assigned ECONOMICS (2201) at Shahid Smriti Govt. College, Muktagachha, Mymensingh according to First merit list
      Please click on Admission Form to provide required additional information.

    • MOSAMMAD ISRAT JAHAN MIM, You are assigned STATISTICS (3601) at Victoria College, Comilla according to First merit list
      Please click on Admission Form to provide required additional information.

    • NUSRAT JAHAN MAYSA, You are assigned PHILOSOPHY (1701) at Govt. Tolaram College, Narayanganj according to First merit list
      Please click on Admission Form to provide required additional information.

    • EYASIRA, You are assigned BANGLA (1001) at Pioneer Govt. Mohila College, Khulna according to First merit list.
      Your application for admission is now pending for the approval from the college authority.
      Please click on DOWNLOAD PDF to download the Application Form. You must print the PDF and submit it to your college with required documents.

    • HABIBA, You are assigned PHYSICS (2701) at B-Baria Govt. College, Brammonbaria according to First merit list
      Please click on Admission Form to provide required additional information.


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